How To Create Effective Messaging Bank Assets

Messaging Bank assets enable you to store, share, and use messaging (eg. product descriptions, key phrases, etc.) that are unique to your company & products.  This allows you to ensure the copy you create via Anyword speaks with credibility and specificity about your company, products, services, and/or value proposition. Using the Messaging Bank as an asset repository also helps unify your team's messaging and helps you develop new content assets across channels faster.


How to Add Assets to the Messaging Bank: The most effective way to create Messaging Bank assets is to transfer product information from your website and/or company & product brochures into the Anyword Messaging Bank.  You can do this by selecting a Brand Voice, selecting Create New, and selectively inputting key statements and copy using the Manual input feature.

Pro Tips!  When developing Messaging Bank Assets, be sure to include a How, What, and Why, especially when writing Product Description Assets.  Be purposeful about what you are including in your descriptions.  Include key facts and language about your company or product. Your generations will actually include these facts if you prompt Anyword to do so.